To Our Partners
At Interact for Health, we envision a future where all people are healthy and thriving, no matter who they are or where they live. We believe that this future is within reach if we can tackle the root causes that undermine our health and well-being.
As a community, it’s important to understand – and ultimately to address – the conditions that prevent some of our neighbors from leading longer, healthier lives than others. The data that revealed a 26-year life expectancy gap between neighborhoods in our region calls on all of us act.
This data served as a launching point for this report, but the story here isn’t about data – it’s about people. It’s about the years of life and moments of joy we can put back into our community. It’s about the big, bold dreams every child deserves to pursue – no matter of their gender, race, ethnicity, or neighborhood. It’s the moments we cherish when we look back on our lives.
While the data in this report represents the current realities of systemic racism, economic inequality, growing mental health needs, and disconnected communities, it is ultimately a story of hope and what we can make possible for the next generation in our region. We aim to make clear the conditions for health that we all deserve to access and how we can get there. Some of these solutions include:
Support locally led, proven public policies that build healthier, more equitable communities such as legal support for renters facing eviction, smoke-free indoor air, paid sick leave, complete streets, and public green space.
Address structural racism and discrimination in our institutions—banking, education, criminal justice, housing, employment, and healthcare.
Strengthen safe and supportive spaces, people, and systems around youth in schools, at home, and in communities—amplifying the voices and solutions of young people along the way.
Ensure decision-making bodies represent the diverse communities they serve by equipping community members—including youth—with the knowledge, networks, and resources to organize and get civically engaged.
Our community’s health is our collective responsibility. We all have a role to play in making this vision a reality for our community, whether we are active citizens, philanthropic funders, decision-makers, or community leaders.
We invite you to join us on this journey to use this data to tell the story of who we are and the potential to transform outcomes for longer, healthier lives.
Kate Schroder
President and CEO, Interact for Health

To achieve our region’s potential for health and well-being, we, as a community, must commit to advancing health justice. That means changing systems so that community conditions promote good health and so no group is exposed to environments that undermine health or well-being.